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“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” 
― Mother Teresa

The Kids in “Felicia Kids home” have gone through a rough and tough situation and have been through much hurts, pain,

rejection, and loneliness. To heal these shattered lives the need is love,

hope, and pastoral care. Sister Sinchana insists the importance is to bring these kids up in hope, Godly character and self-esteem, in Christ-likeness,

besides good food, clothes, and shelter.


Sinchana Anthony is familiar to these kids; she was born in a poor

Hindu family. According to the temple astrologer, she was a bad omen to her family. And so, the day she was born she was abandoned by her parents,

with no one to care for this newborn infant. A day later, a nurse in the same hospital; 58 years old, a mother of nine kids, took pity on the child and took her home. Her childhood memories are tainted with grief, ill-treatment, and abuse as she was often treated as a slave and not as a child of the house. She remembers being 7 years old and burdened with all the household chores which even a grownup would find unbearable.

She was never anyone's priority, her voice was not heard and her opinions and feelings did not matter and if she was to continue living in her house without abuse she had to do so by being a servant of everyone, attending to the needs of all her siblings and the grownups that lived in this dysfunctional home.


Unable to bear the abuse, she tried to end her life multiple times by taking numerous sleeping pills, hoping to never wake up again but al her attempts to suicide was always futile as she woke up within a couple of hours.

During this time someone gave her a Bible to read and this book became her companion during her hours of loneliness especially during the nights where she longed for her mother's touch.


As she grew older she always wondered what it would be like to have a mother and a father that loved her and cared for her, she wondered what it would have been like to be a part of a stable home where she would be loved and cared for. This longing made her heart grow heavy day by day.

Ps. Sinchana Anthony


The Director of Felicia Kids Home

One night after a long day work until 12:00 midnight she really missed her mother a lot in her lonely tiny room and the thoughts of being abandoned by her real parents tormented her.  She begins to wonder why did her biological family abandoned her and why she ended up with this cruel and abusive family who showed no love and affection to her as a child.

 After many hours of crying, she opened the Bible randomly, and her eyes fell on a scripture in

Isaiah 48:15-16   Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!

V16 See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.

This passage from Isaiah changed her life and she knew there is a God that sees her and has a plan for her living. She began to read the Bible regularly and began to put her trust in Jesus Christ, as she realized this God of the Bible is her God.


 Her life began to change and her faith in the Lord began to sparkle even her foster family could see the changes in her life.


She understood her life was very valuable in God’s hand and she knew she had the Love of Jesus which was far more valuable than anything she could possess in this life. Since then her heart began to get close to God and close to people around her who abused her and ill-treated her. She understood the forgiveness of God and willing to forgive her adopted family for all the abuse and in turn was thankful to them for accepting her into their home.



Together we are impacting thousands of lives with the compassion, and power of God’s Word, but there is still much more to be done. Join us by making a donation today! 

Child Sponsorship is a unique relationship between you and your sponsored child. When you become a Felicia Kids Child Sponsor, you will help a child break free from the clutches of poverty and gift the child a future full of hope. It is also a relationship that extends to the child's family and the community. 

After her encounter with God and having her life changed, God gave her a deep desire to care for the orphans. She sensed the vision she wanted to care for the orphan children. Since she went through lots of trials and difficulties as an orphan, she knows the situations of the abandoned and rejected children around us. She knows how to work among them and help them. Her main desire is to educate them and make them make them independent and helpful human being to our society.


“Felicia Kids home” was started in 2005 and since then many children came in and went out transformed. We have 33 Orphan children’s in our FKH now, all deserving a good life.


Sinchana Anthony is also a wonderful preacher and she has ministered in Singapore, Taiwan, Bangkok and many cities and states in India. She lives everyday rejoicing in the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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